Reflection Space
Welcome to the St Paul's Reflection Space. This is a place for everyone in our school community to pause, take time to think and maybe wonder for a little while.
At school we enjoy daily Collective Worship. It is a time when we come together to think carefully about big questions, to learn about inspiring people and listen their stories, and find out about how God loves us and that we are all valued and precious.
Each week there will be a new Collective Worship activity on this page. Scroll down to explore. If there is something you would like to see here please email Mrs Volland.
I would love to hear your ideas and see your pictures or photographs.
We welcomed Imogen Nay- the vicar at St Paul's Church to share in our Harvest Festival. Each class found out how far an item of food has to travel to reach us in the UK. The results for very surprising and helped us to realise how grateful we are for the food we have. Thank you to everyone for supporting the collection of food items for Jimmy's again this year.
Victoria Goodman from CSOC came to share a harvest story with the children in Robin, Fox and Squirrel Class. It was about a man who had planted a tree so that his children and grandchildren could eat the fruit. The children then all enjoyed making a creative response to the story using the lovely resources Victoria had brought.
We had some storytelling about Pentecost this week in Years 1, 2 and 3. The children enjoyed the story with Victoria Goodman from the Church Schools of Cambridge charity before responding to it with some lovely creative resources.
We are taking on Bishop Stephen's Lent Challenge again this year- Reception Class and Year 1 began by making some pancakes on Shrove Tuesday! The theme this year is 'Brave Believers'. We have been listening to each other sharing times when we have been brave and finding out about children around the world who have been courageous in their lives. Have a look at the book below- Girls Who Dared to Dream, to read about girls who have shown great courage.
This week the whole school joined a virtual Christingle service from Ely cathedral, led by Bishop Dagmar. We were able to all make our own Christingle during the day to take home and share with our families.
Autumn 2021- Welcome back to school! This term our theme for collective worship is CURIOSITY!
On October 21st we celebrated our Harvest Festival. Each class researched a harvest festival from a different part of the world and then shared this with the rest of the school. Some classes sang, some shared artwork and Reception class had baked bread! We thought about who we can say thank you to for the good food we have to eat, the children thought of their families, Jules who is our cook, shop workers and delivery drivers, we talked about how many Christians say thank you to God too.
We received a lovely card and lots of pictures from the care home this week. The residents had really enjoyed the cards, some people had even put cards up in their rooms. We hope we can continue getting to know them and build a strong relationship with our school community.
Thea Thanks: 'Dear God, every day I feel blessed with my life, my health and the good care I get, thank you for the safe and warm place that I am into.'