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St Pauls CE Primary School

School Vision and values


“Life in all its fullness”  John 10:10


St Paul’s School vision and values


Our Vision:

St. Paul’s is an aspirational school where learning, laughter and lives flourish. We nurture life in all its fullness John 10:10


At St. Paul’s we provide high quality, inclusive education in a safe, nurturing and supportive environment. The provision is underpinned by our core Christian values of wisdom, love and welcoming community. All members of our school community are valued and respected equally, so that everyone can have a positive attitude about themselves and others.

Our Values:


Three core values of wisdom, love and welcoming community, form the basis of work in our school community.


  • nurture a passion for wisdom so everyone can realise their full potential (Wisdom);
  • respect and love everyone as individuals (Love);
  • celebrate and serve our diverse community (Welcoming community).




Jesus told the story of ‘The Wise and Foolish Builders’ (Matthew 7: 24-29)…

We are building a strong foundation for life




Jesus told the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’ (Matthew 18: 10-14, Luke 15: 1-7)… We are all loved and equally valued




Jesus told the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ (Luke 10: 25-37)… We love our neighbours, as ourselves




  • Ofsted
  • St Pauls CE Primary School

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