About the Governing Body
The Governing Body at St Paul’s comprises 15 members including the Head and a staff Governor. Most Governors have been appointed since the new model of provision was created in 2019 and bring a breadth of knowledge and skills to the school. This diverse and enthusiastic group are committed to securing high quality education for children and their families as well as creating a quality place of work for staff. Over the last 4 years Governors have worked with the Head on specific strategic challenges to accelerate the plans the Head has for the school.
Governing bodies have a statutory role and responsibility to support & challenge the school to raise academic achievement and promote pupil welfare.
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Christian Distinctiveness monitoring is the responsibility of the Vicar as the Ex- Officio Governor and also the Foundation Governors who are appointed by the Diocese of Ely.
The Headteacher presents a report at each Governing Body meeting, commenting on the life of the school in general and progress in relation to the targets laid out in the school’s development plan.
You can find out more about the work of the Governing Body by reading the minutes or you can contact the chair through:
The school office:
Direct email:
We are always keen to hear from parents. You can contact the Governing Body via the Chair - by letter or email to the school office or direct to Alternatively, you can contribute your views about the school via the ParentView website.
Meet Our Governors!
Mark Elliott
Joined the governing body: 2024
A member of St Paul’s Church, where I also sit on the Parochial Church Council, I joined the School’s Governing Body in 2024 as a Foundation Governor. I live in Cambridge with my wife and daughter and work at the University of Cambridge, where I am Professor of Public Law and currently Chair of the Law Faculty. I have also worked in Parliament as Legal Adviser to a select committee and in University admissions as Admissions Tutor at St Catharine’s College. Throughout my professional life, I have been committed to ensuring that young people, whatever their circumstances or background, have access to outstanding teaching and wider educational opportunities. I hope to be able to contribute my experience as an educator to the work of the Governing Body at St Paul’s.
Alex Smith
Joined the governing body: 2020
I have been a governor since 2020 and as a parent I have been involved with St Paul’s for nine years. My son is still at St Pauls and my daughter is now at Parkside having spent seven years at the school. I was on the PTFA as a class rep and really enjoyed the interaction with parents and other staff. Applying to be a governor in 2020 was a natural next step.
As an editor of a magazine for a large engineering institution I am passionate about good sustainability and effective communication.
I am keen on sport and am pleased that my role as a link governor for sport and outdoor activities has encompassed these interests.
Suranga Chandratillake
Joined the Governing Body: 2019
My name is Suranga and I have been a governor since 2019. I have two children at St Paul's (in Year's 2 and 6) and, as a governor, I am particularly interested in the school's work on quality of education and its new, comprehensive, multi-year curriculum. I also sit on the Finance and Personnel Committee and am involved in efforts to fund raise for the school and its projects. In my day job, I am a venture capitalist, investing in technology start-ups across Europe and hope to use my network to help the school continue to build support from the strong, local technology industry in Cambridge.
I've been an active in the school's community since my eldest child started there six years ago. After Mrs Darrell, the current head, joined, I was inspired by both her vision for the school and the team she was building to deliver on it and, seeking to be more involved, joined the governing body.
Emma Louise De Vaux
Joined the governing body: 2023
I am a dedicated and experienced early years professional teacher with over two decades of invaluable expertise. With qualifications as a specialist early years teacher, I bring knowledge and insight to my role as a school governor. My commitment to fostering the holistic development of children is underscored by my Theology award from St. John’s, where I specialised in children and youth work.
As a mother of two children enrolled at St. Paul’s, I possess a firsthand understanding of the needs and aspirations of the school community. Currently, I channel my passion for education and community engagement through my work at the Zion Baptist Church in Cambridge.
Simon Jarvis
Joined the Governing body: 2020
Simon lives in the parish of St Paul’s and joined the team as a Foundation Governor in July 2020. He studied for a PhD in physiology at Cambridge University which led to a research career in Canada and then the UK focussing on the development of new therapies for cancer and parasitic diseases. He later moved into university senior management where his wide-ranging responsibilities included ensuring academic excellence, teaching and learning, improving student success and the management of change. He retired from his role as a Deputy Vice-Chancellor in September 2019.
Simon believes passionately that education is about transforming lives and ensuring every pupil reaches their full potential. He looks forward to working with the governors and staff to develop and improve the school.
Jonty Roland
Joined the Governing Body: 2022
I am a former pupil of the school (with many happy memories there) and now live close by, with two daughters who benefit hugely from attending. We are also members of St Paul's church's sister church St Barnabas on Mill Road.
Professionally, I'm an independent consultant supporting universal health coverage reforms in many different countries around the world, working to ensure that everyone gets the care they need regardless of who they are. At home, I'm a dad who enjoys the fun and opportunities of bringing up a family in the wonderful city of Cambridge, after many years away.
As a governor, I hope to combine my local roots and global experience to help the school continue its fantastic trajectory of success for many years into the future.
Rev’d Imogen Nay
Joined the governing body: 2022
I am the Vicar of St Paul's School and am a regular face at the school, leading collective worship. I have ministered in parishes in Essex, the Midlands and South London, and have been involved as a governor and as priest in a number of church schools. I studied theology at Cambridge and was pleased to return to live here with my family in 2022. My husband works in education and my children attend St Bede's Interchurch school.
Sarah Abrey
Joined the Governing Body: 2018
I am Cambridge born and bred, following schooling here, I completed a Primary Education and QTS degree with a specialism in French at the University of Chichester. Upon graduating, I returned home and have been teaching since 2015.
Teaching has been a passion for as long as I can remember, sharing learning with the children alongside pictures of my dog Biscuit is what my classroom is all about!
After beginning my job in September 2018 as a class teacher at St Paul's I also became the staff governor. I am glad to bring a staff voice to the governing body to help link between staff and governors.
I lead on the organisation of governor training and monitoring ensuring governors have access to key training opportunities and access to locations to summarise their visits and meetings with staff which are then shared with the governing body.
Helen Darrell
Joined the Governing Body: 2019
I have been Headteacher at St. Paul's Primary School since January 2019.
I have been a teacher for the past 25 years, having taught in the midlands, London and a variety of schools in Cambridgeshire. Having grown up in Cornwall and being a Guide leader, I love the outdoors, cooking on an open fire is always a great joy. I have 2 children at secondary school and 2 older stepdaughters in their twenties and love to bake for the family.
Liam Kelly
Parent Governor
Joined the Governing Body: 2020
I took on the role of Associate Governor when my son entered Year 2 at St. Paul's. I now have two children attending the school and will form part of the finance and personnel committee.
During the work week I am a financial analyst for an asset management company based in London. I spend most of my time working on risk management solutions for pension clients, although have had experience as part of other co-operative committees based in Cambridge. I hope to be able to use my mathematical background to aid the school over the coming years.
Rene Oosthuysen
Joined the governing body: 2024
I am a business development manager at Cambridge University Press and am married to Etienne ( a structural technician). I am mom to Nina at St Paul's and Callum who was at St Paul's but is now in secondary school at St Bede's Inter Church School. I moved to Cambridge in January 2022 from Johannesburg, South Africa for work and I now live in Riverside.