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St Pauls CE Primary School

Glossary of School Terms

School Glossary

Teacher talk can be confusing! Here are a few terms to help us understand each other better. If you would like anything else added, please ask.

HT: Headteacher.

SLT: Senior Leadership team.

TA: Teaching Assistant. A TA will be class-based to support all children in the class, or small groups of pupils, giving them close support and also assisting their teacher.

NQT: A newly qualified teacher.

FSM: Free school meals. Currently available to all children in Key Stage 1 and those whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits.

G&T: Gifted and talented

IEP: Individual education programme. A plan developed and regularly reviewed by teachers, specialists and families to help children with SEN meet their full potential.

INSET: In-Service Educational Training – a day when teachers are in school but children are not.

SDP: School Development Plan.

SIP: School Improvement Plan.

NC: National Curriculum – teachers have to cover the subjects and skills within this document.

Ofsted: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. A Government department which oversees the regulation and inspection of schools.

DBS: Disclosure and Barring Service. DBS is the result of a merge of the Criminal Records Bureau and the Independent Safeguarding Authority. A DBS allows you to work and help out in school.

Peripatetic Teacher: A teacher who gives specialist instruction in a number of schools, for example music.

PPA: Planning, preparation and assessment. Time legally set aside for teaching staff to be away from their class to prepare, mark and plan.


School Educational Terms

EYFS: Early Years Foundation Stage, sets the learning and development expected for reception children.

Ed Psych: Educational psychologist who offers assessment and advice for children with special educational needs.

EWO: Education welfare officer, employed by the LA to monitor attendance.

KS1: Key Stage One. Years 1 & 2.

KS2: Key Stage Two Years 3,4,5,6.

SATs: Standard Assessment Tests set by the National Assessment Agency (NAA) and currently taken by pupils at the end of Key Stage 1 & 2.

PP: Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools in England to support and promote the education of children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits, are in the armed forces, or who are adopted or cared for by someone other than their parents.

PSHCE: Personal, social, health, and citizenship education. Curriculum area for all aspects of personal development.

SENCO: Special Educational Needs Coordinator

SEN: Special Educational Needs: When pupils have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision.

SEN Code of Practice: A guide for schools and Local Authorities about the help they give to pupils with special educational needs.

SEND: Special Educational Needs & Disability

SLT: Speech and language therapy for children struggling in that area.

EAL: English as an additional language.

PTFA: Parent Teacher and Friends Association. The PTFA organises events to raise funds for the school.


Governor Glossary

LA: Local Authority (formerly Local Education Authority). In our case Cambridgeshire County Council.

GB: Governing Body (or Board).

LA Governor: A person appointed as a governor by the LA.

Parent Governor: A parent elected by other parents of children at school to serve on the governing body.

Staff Governor: The staff governor brings to the governing body an understanding of the school’s ethos and culture as well as a close, professional knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses.

Associate Member: Associate members are not governors, and do not have a vote at full governing body meetings.

Co-opted Governor: People who in the opinion of the Governing Body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance of the school.

  • Ofsted
  • St Pauls CE Primary School

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