Below is a list of our school policies. If you would like a printed copy of specific policies, please speak with a member of staff from the school office, who will be more than happy to help.
- Accessibility Plan
- Admissions
- Anti-Bullying
- Assessment
- Attendance
- Attendance Leaflets
- Behaviour
- Charging & Remissions
- Collective Worship
- Complaints
- Critical Incident
- Digital Safety
- Early Years
- Educational visits
- Equality information and objectives
- Feedback
- Freedom of Information
- GDPR and Privacy notices
- Health and Safety
- Lettings
- Physical intervention
- Religious Education
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Special Educational Needs
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and First Aid
- The Use of Mobile Phones
- Whistleblowing policy