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St Pauls CE Primary School

Otters - Year 5

Welcome to Otter Class, Year 5!

Class teachers: Miss Veronica Huckstep (Mon, Tues, Weds & Fri) and Mrs Marianne Stronge (Thursday)


PGL Meeting PowerPoint

Spelling and Home Learning.

We are keen to enable the children to continue their learning at home in different ways:

1) Home Learning - there is a selection of activities for you to explore with your child.

2) Spellings - we will have spelling tests each fortnight.  The spelling words are all on a theme which we look at together in class.  They often get harder through the list. If it seems tricky, then please concentrate on spellings 1-5.  The children get some marks for getting the focus of the words correct.  Eg 1/2 a mark for 'ture' even if the rest of 'signature' isn't correct.

3) Reading -  children will visit the school library once a week. They can also choose books from the class book corner and change their book whenever they like. If your child finds reading difficult or is new to English, we will allocate them with graded reading books.

4) Mathletics - we have a school subscription to 'Mathletics', an online servive for children and schools. All year 5 children have activities assigned for them which will complement their learning in school.

Recommended books (age appropriate)

List of words we are currently working on in Y5 (and most children will be expected to spell correctly by the end of Y6)

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  • St Pauls CE Primary School

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