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St Pauls CE Primary School

School Clubs

St. Paul’s children have the opportunity to pursue their broader interests through a wide variety of clubs that run before, during, or after the school day. Some are dedicated to particular activities such as sports, chess and coding, while others allow children to gather around a special interest such as poetry, worship or the environment. We also have a pupil-run school newspaper, The Epistle. All of these clubs are in addition to the breakfast and after school childcare provided by Cambridge Kids Club.


For our school-organised clubs, we are always in need of volunteers to support - if you think you'd be able to volunteer now or in future terms please get in touch with  No expertise in any club area required!

Before and After School


Lunchtime Clubs

At lunchtime, our coaches from Youth Dreams Project will provide a wide variety of sports activities for the children in Years 1-6. We provide what the children tell us they'd like, we are developing play equipment constantly, and continue the conversation with children altering activities through the year. Youth Dreams Project  support the children to work with the equipment and get active at lunch times.


We also have several volunteer-run clubs that take place during the lunch break:

  • Ofsted
  • St Pauls CE Primary School

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