Hedgehog Class
Our big question for the Spring term was:
“Why do Humanists say happiness is the goal of life?”
We have thought about what happiness and being happy means. We have discussed how to live a happy life.
We have learnt how Humanism is a world view and that Humanists do not believe in a god or gods. Instead, they believe that we have just one life so we should make the most of it because there is no afterlife. This is why happiness is their goal.
Our big question in the second half of the Autumn term was:
When Christians need real wisdom where do they look for it?
We started off this unit by looking at some clues on the board:
Large eyes • Fly at night • Said to be wise • Deliver letters in Harry Potter • Wings • Hoots • Produce pellets • Appear in Legends of the Guardians • Appears in Winnie the Pooh • Went to sea with a pussycat
We soon worked out that our clues related to an owl. We then discussed what the word 'wisdom' meant and how we can recognise a 'wise choice'. We learnt that when Solomon became king, he was very unsure about following his father’s footsteps. His father, David, had been so well respected and a deeply Godly man. Solomon longed for God’s help and then one night God spoke to him in a dream offering him a gift. We discussed what gift we would choose.
Following on from this we looked at proverbs and what wisdom they offer us.
Our big question in the first half of the Autumn term was:
How do Christians try to capture the mystery of God as Trinity?
We found out that Christians believe that true wisdom comes from God. We explored where in the Bible Christians may turn for wisdom and read some of the parables of Jesus, Proverbs and Psalms. We found out how the Psalms may be used in Christian worship, and how Jesus understood wisdom through reference to his parables and sayings.