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St Pauls CE Primary School



Appendix 1 – School Register Codes
Appendix 2 – Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix 3 – Intervention Strategies
Appendix 4 – Information about Term Time Holidays
Appendix 5 - Request for a pupil to be absent from school


Appendix 1 – School Register codes


The DfE offers a comprehensive set of register codes which all schools are required to use. These codes are as follows:
/ \ - Present am/pm
B - Educated off site - Approved Educational Activity.
C - Other authorised circumstances (including public performances licensed by the local authority, family bereavements, exceptional special occasions) - Authorised Absence.
D - Dual registration (i.e pupil attending other establishment) - Approved Educational Activity.
E - Excluded (no alternative provision made) - Authorised Absence.
F - Extended family holiday (agreed) - Authorised Absence.
I - Illness (not medical/dental appointments) - Authorised Absence.
J - Interview - Approved Educational Activity.
L - Late (before registers close) - Present.
M - Medical/Dental appointments - Authorised Absence.
N - No reason yet provided for absence - Unauthorised Absence.
O - Unauthorised Absence.
P - Approved Sporting Activity - Approved Educational Activity.
R - Religious Observance - Authorised Absence.
S - Study Leave - Authorised Absence.
T - Traveller child travelling - Authorised Absence.
U - Late after registers close without an acceptable explanation - Unauthorised Absence 
V - Educational visit or trip - Approved Educational Activity.
W - Work Experience - Approved Educational Activity.
X - Non-compulsory school age absence - not counted in possible attendances.
Y - Enforced closure – not counted in possible attendances.
Z - Pupil not yet on roll - not counted in possible attendances.
# - School closed – not counted in possible attendance.
School office staff will follow up on absences and enter the appropriate code on the school electronic system.

Appendix 2 – Roles and responsibilities

All staff - are expected to be excellent role models by having outstanding attendance and punctuality records.

Class Teacher


• Register at 8.55am and 1.00pm.
• Deal with pupils who are persistently late.
• Inform the Headteacher about pupils causing concern and agree a plan of action.
• Make contact with the families of pupils with poor attendance.




• Monitor that the day-to-day implementation of the Attendance Policy is working.
• Monitor that the school gates are locked promptly.
• Follow up truancy with appropriate sanctions.
• Instigate and follow up meetings with the families of poor attenders (following teacher contact).
• Monitor the process of getting work for excluded, long term absent and adapted timetable pupils.
• Review attendance figures on a half-termly basis.
• Decide upon issues relating to the issue of ‘Fixed Penalty Notices’.
• Liaise with the Governing Body and report each term


Office Staff


• Process attendance data and lates / signing in and out information.
• Telephone parents on the first day of absence.
• Monitor missing registers.
• Produce half-termly attendance information for HT and SLT.
• Produce absence letters when requested.
• Complete statistical analysis and data returns for LA, DfE. OfSTED.




• Set school attendance target
• Ensure that attendance data is collected and reviewed




• Review Attendance Policy (every 3 years)
• Monitor policy implementation
• Set attendance targets with SLT


Appendix 3 - Intervention Strategies

Actions and interventions used to improve attendance


Level 1 90% - 100% attendance (up to 20 days – 4 full weeks absence per year Key Actions 

  • Accurate marking of attendance registers
  • Accurate monitoring of absence replies
  • Liaise with families where concerns exist (<95%) / improvements made
  • Identify patterns and issues linked to attendance
  • Issue ‘Letter 1’



Level 2  85% - 90% attendance  (up to 30 days – 6 full weeks absence per year Key Actions (in addition to previous Levels)

  • Analyse patterns and overall attendance
  • Set targets for improvement (short term). Place on attendance report.
  • Discussion at LARM meetings
  • Pupil added to Persistent Absentee register
  • Conduct parental meeting at parent consultation meetings with an attendance        focus
  • Provide written reports of interventions and impact
  • Issue ‘Letter 2’ / Start CAF process.



Level 3  75% - 85% attendance  (up to 50 days – 10 full weeks absence per year Key Actions (in addition to previous Levels)

  • Planning meetings with family held – Letter 3 issued
  • Issue Parental agreement or Parent Contract
  • Referral to EWO with written evidence of previous interventions
  • CAF implemented for some cases
  • Timeline of evidence and figures produced for EWO
  • Use Fixed Penalty Notice for unauthorised absences
  • No absence authorised without medical evidence


Level 4  60% - 75% attendance  (up to 80 days – 16 full weeks absence per year Key Actions (in addition to previous Levels)

  • Referral to Social Care / Medical provision
  • Legal documentation produced (EWO) 


Level 5  Less than 60% attendance  (80 days +/16 full weeks absence per year Key Actions (in addition to previous Levels)

  • EWO referral
  • Pre- court and Court meetings
  • Social Care referral


Appendix 4 - Information about Term Time Holidays

The following information has been taken directly from the Cambridgeshire County Council website. 

Term time holidays

Children of school age who are registered at a school must, by law, attend that school regularly. Regular attendance is the best way of ensuring that a child makes the most of the educational opportunities which are available to him or her.

When a child is absent from school, he or she misses not only the teaching provided but is also less prepared for the lessons after his or her return. 

There are only 190 statutory school days in one year and 175 days (weekends and school holidays) available to use for holidays. Therefore every school day counts! 

Key information

Prior to June 2013, the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 allowed for headteachers to grant leave of absence for a term time family holiday in 'special circumstances' and for extended leave in exceptional circumstances.

Amendments to these regulations remove references to family holidays and extended leave. The amendments make it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and that headteachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.

Your rights and responsibilities

If your child is registered at school you must ensure that he or she attends regularly.
The regulations make it clear that parents, carers or relatives do not have any right or entitlement to take a child out of school for the purposes of a term-time holiday. 

If parents take their child on holiday in term time this will be counted as unauthorised absence - this is the same as truancy and you may be at risk of a Penalty Notice being applied. 

What you can do

Look at the school’s attendance policy on the website for full information.
Speak to the school directly if you feel you need to take your child out of school in exceptional circumstances. 

  • Ofsted
  • St Pauls CE Primary School

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