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St Pauls CE Primary School

School Clubs



There are many exciting activities happening before and after school. To enquire about available spaces, please use the contact information on the below links to speak directly to the person responsible for the club.


For our school-organised clubs, we are always in need of volunteers to support - if you think you'd be able to volunteer now or in future terms please get in touch with no expertise in any club area required!

Lunchtime Clubs

At lunchtime, our Premier sport coaches will provide a wide variety of sports activities for the children in Years 1-6. This may include things like: basketball, archery, ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, football, netball, hockey, tag rugby and many more!

During lunchtimes, we also have volunteers run:

Eco Club

Eco Club is run by parent volunteers on Friday lunch time and is open to all children at St Paul's. At the start of each term we plan together with the children what they would like to focus on. We cover everything from recycling to talking about carbon capture techniques. The children are involved in a variety of activities including listening to and questioning external speakers, preparing posters and information for our eco club display board and surveying the nature and biodiversity we have on the school grounds.

In the autumn term we looked at recycling in school, particularly difficult to recycle items. The following items can now be recycled at school.

Crisp packets / snack wrappers, any soft plastic - There is a labelled bin in the lunch hall.

Plastic pens ( that no longer work) - We are aiming to have a box in every classroom 

Inkjet printer cartridges - There is a box in the school office to collect these. When the box is full we can send these off and get between 50p and £2 per cartridge so please drop in empty cartridges from home.

Water bottles / lunch boxes, hard plastic - There is a box under the lost property table in the court yard - again we can raise money by sending these off so feel free to drop in any broken Tupperware from home in this box.

The children have set us the challenge this term of looking at food waste recycling.

In the autumn term we applied for a grant from Cambridgeshire Fund For Nature to install a bird feeding station and nest boxes with webcams at school with the hope of improving biodiversity in our local area and giving the children to experience nature up close.


Poetry Club

Poetry Club has been running for many years. It is open to all ages and takes place in the library every Thursday lunchtime from 12:20-12:55pm. We learn lots of poems which are chosen by Ms Dunn (our volunteer librarian) and by the children in the group. Sometimes we make up our own. 

Occasionally we perform to other classes or to the whole school in assembly. The aim is to have fun! New members are always welcome. 


Worship Club

Worship Club is for anyone in the school from Year 1 up and is held on a Tuesday lunchtime at 12.30. It is led by the Rev'd Imogen Nay, the Vicar of St Paul's.  The pupils are invited to take part in craft and other activities that help them in their spirituality. At certain times of the year they will reflect on Christian stories, ideas and values.  It is open to children of all faiths and none- all are welcome.  The maximum capacity for the club is 20 pupils and therefore those who arrive first will get priority. 


Newspaper Club

Newspaper Club runs on Monday lunchtimes and is open to pupils in Years Five and Six.  Every term, we work towards producing a newspaper for the other pupils to read. That might involve interviewing our schoolfriends, teachers, or people from outside the school, reviewing school events, coming up with entertaining facts, setting puzzles, or anything else the children come up with! We can take a maximum of 15 children and require participants to commit to the whole term, so that they can complete the project. 

  • Ofsted
  • St Pauls CE Primary School

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